Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Psyche Damage

Apparently, I have been diagnosed as a boardline personality disorder
with an attention seeker bully tendency underlying to supplement the

I never realize it today until I start reading the book on power
social skill and how people can be like that under circumstance and
resort it as a measure to achieve what they wanted...

That explains a lot of my past behaviours like seeking
sooooooooooooooo much attention from the people around me, especially
those who are closest to me. It also made me realize just how bad I
really was sometimes. Like... trying to really "insidiously
unconsciously" trying to persuade others that they are the one who is
at fault and how I am always innocent....

Now as I look back through all those past history when I had so many
arguments with those around me and how little I really paid attention
to my own psyche... O_O it is bizzare.

All those countless argument, all those endless discussion of problem
with logic... is sooooooo absurd.

I look back, that's the best indicator of good IQ + extremely low EQ.

Sigh... so many telltale signs. That has already been done can not be remedied.

A fair warning to all those who read this... maybe, it is not a bad
idea to start getting more and more about the personalities around you
and know more about your own psyche and of those surrounding you.

I will probably try to get therapy and exercise to heal my own damaged psyche...

The most important step is to realize it. The rest, is much easier
once you are willing to confront it with full force and change.

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