Wednesday, July 30, 2008


How hard do I study? I fall asleep everyday during study. Had a really
bootcamp full day. Got Two macs infected with xp and feel proud.
Hungry almost home to eat dinner. Hope to get more things done tonight
Sleep since I didn't study enough. Tired but life keeps going.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

*&^% $^&@#% @#$% @#$%^ Rogers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-_-+ I think I am beginning to regret signing up with Rogers now somewhat...

Here is exactly how they screwed me over and over. O_O

  1. When I was signing up for the Rogers contract, I picked the voice plan My5. I told and showed him the $25 monthly voice plan and guess what I got when I saw my bill today? $35 per month.... That bastard don't even have the mercy to give me a $30...
  2. When I got my phone that day they couldn't activate it, yet that bold sales rep still opened it and peel the protective film off and said to his coworker:" Hey, look! The white iPhone doesn't keep fingerprint on it's back." Like, WTF? You can probably guess my sheer horror at that time.
  3. So I walked out the store and with pretty much a brick, went to work and hogged the Apple activation link for almost 3 hours. Still couldn't activate it. Finally activated it around 5th hour. Apple didn't let me down, Rogers did (hey, who else did you expect?). SIM doesn't recognize it's service provider....
  4. Waited a few days... still cannot get on the network so I decide to give them a call just to check everything is working out. Low and be hold, the Roger rep I talked to on the phone saw that on my account I actually subscribed to a cable account... GREAT! So she recommends me to call the Roger store to sort out the deal and get my phone onto the network. I ring them up and told them what happened and the store manager there was kind enough to look up my information and recognize me from the launch day. So after calling her back 3 times over the next 4 hours things FINALLY started rolling and I was able to cruise within 3G network. (What I should have done is just never bother calling them and just cancel my "cable" service when I eventually get the bill and walk away with the iPhone 3G for $300 and leave it up to them to sort out the billing confusion.)
  5. My5 never worked. Always give AM002 error... NICE one. When I walked into the store and ask them to look into it, they kindly tell me to contact the customer support centre even though they have all the resource to help me there and resolve the issue right there.
I have to say though, that store manager is seriously being screwed over by her company. She is nice and try hard to help but this system is just so sooo wrong....

I really don't have much against the hardworking individuals at Rogers but their whole company is seriously $#@*&)%(*&@#$......

They will learn their lesson soon enough...

Monday, July 28, 2008

...moments in life

Sometimes, you go through life and realize there are moments where you really should have repented.

I am one of those guys who go through it, forgot about it and never realized the damage that has been done until people started showing up on my door with litigation papers.

...Why am I so slow? I don't know. Feels like, living in a haze and wake up realizing that everything near me is lost...

My inability to let go has lead me this far. it is really to change something about my life and disrupt my daily usually school-work-fun-screw around pattern.

It is time to face the real world.

Hopefully, I can use this change to learn something useful when I come back.

Life is elsewhere, just like my Gr9 ENG teacher Mr. Krisak said before.

I am such a bad person sometimes...I need to take some journey of self-realization before I can understand what it means to be living and to be alive in more than one level.

Cheers, for every good little things in life...

To those whom I love and loved, take care.
To those who loved and love me, take care.

To those who hated and hate me, god bless your soul and keep up the good hatred rampage.
To those whom I hated, well... I don't think I can find anyone here so I'll just move on to the next.

To those whom I have shared my dreams and thoughts with, be good, be happy and prosper.
To those who shared dreams and thoughts with me, I appreciate your generosity, I was a bad listener.

To those who read this, may your light guide you.
To those who aren't reading this, may your own star guide you.

Coup de grace... Life was, is and will be good.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Enough with Rogers!

I have to say that I tried to give Roger enough chance to pull their act together.

I tried to view my bill and this is at least, the 4th time I get the CRAP below!

For national leader in telecommunication, they should really be shameful for the kind of poor customer support they provide.

Oh, and by the way, don't even make me start mentioning my iPhone 3G purchase experience... I could puke inferno with those.

Man.... for once, I'm actually happy about some competition in the market.

I actually tried to put up the crap they throw but sometimes, it's just too much.

Frankly, I have to say that the people there are nice but the organization as a whole is really bad. More on this tomorrow.

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Friday, July 25, 2008

iPhone 3G App Showcase..

So ever since I mistakenly stumbled upon the screenshot stuff, I have been able to capture what's currently reside in Ulysses. It has gotten quite a lot more app than I thought. O_o I'll try add more post to this to illustrate some really nice apps.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

East park

East park... so nostalgic... All those solidarity I felt during the
ESL time where I have to forgo social connections to just be able to
improve my English exponentially... A hell of a price to pay. Mrs.
Brander and my first time trying out playing baseball and my inability
to hit the ball ever...

I am such a person of the past... Suddenly, a sense of loss overwhelms
me now. The loss of a memento is startling sometimes.

Relaxing now. The go

Relaxing now. The gocart was awesome. Absolutely loved it. I had six
lap and passed at least 10 carts and the fact that I could floor the
gas and turns and feel the G force was fantastic. I wish I can play
that more often. Seriously I was debating whether I should go use one
of the ticket to do rock climbing but was glad I made the right
choice. My sandle certainly will not allow me to survive the climbing.

The public area was great and the blue dragonfly I took pictures of
was definitely the most interesting insect I have yet to see for a

I still cannot believe they got rid of the original baseball yard in
the park. Sad. Twice did I came here with my ESL classes. Ah! The good
old memories... I will try to post some of those photos.

Going to probably head to home soon.

Go cart

Holy crap! I can't believe that I am typing so fast on iPhone using
this new type pad thing. I think im actually typing as fast as typing
on full size keyboard. This entire post is going to be a lot faster
than using traditional keyboard.

Currently waiting in line for the go-cart. It's going to be a long
wait and I am very glad I have my iPhone with me.

Went to the picnic area and saw some really nice scenery. Hard to
believe but I actually enjoyed doing photography in a quiet park with
no one around. I will try to upload some of those nice pictures when I
get the chance.

Slept so late last night. Very happy that my old friend started to
fillme in on some of the old mess that I left behind.

Line is almost here gtg

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

iPhone 3G Installing 3rd Party Apps

Excruciatingly slow would be how I am describing it... MAN...
sometimes, it's at 100% yet it just not completed... so not like macs

I mean, at least, stall at 99% would let me know that it is not done
and needs more time... don't just give a thick bar and move over to
the right most and stay there pretending it is thinking... and it's
DONE... annoying

faster installation time would be GREAT...

look at how installer handles it, heck, even with the reboot, I think
it looks WAY more professional that way. To be honest, I thought
installer was orginally the Apple Authorized 3rd party app O_O

picture after the break as well as the apps showing.


O_O next year course finalized...

O_O yeah... it's NUTs...

I am actually taking like 3 days off for my second semester while I am
cramming like 6 courses into 1st semester (first year comp sci is a

Second semester is definitely going to be more fun as I actually have
5 days off and 2 days study... totally reverse of the week...

Of course, that would mean I will still have to work hard for it as
those two work days will be about 6 hours each. OUCH....

:) Glad I just got the swap for the cancer biochem :D... Honestly, I
hate biochem with passion but to graduate, I need it... so might as
well just go through hell with it. Can't be happier in life... 4th
year immuno is going to be so much fun :) I love immunology... too bad
too late to follow that in future now. sigh. well, in time.

Then there is also the Logic course which according to Summer's
friend's friend's friend... who took it, and aced it absolutely, would
most likely help out more with comp sci if not more than anything with
with MC exams. XD Hope I will enjoy that as well.

Will see... maybe life will be good :)


heard comp sci class is REALLY boring though. 20 out of 60 show and 5
out 20 snores out of those in class... O_o

Anyway, looking forward to tomorrow... it is going to be so much fun.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Psyche Damage

Apparently, I have been diagnosed as a boardline personality disorder
with an attention seeker bully tendency underlying to supplement the

I never realize it today until I start reading the book on power
social skill and how people can be like that under circumstance and
resort it as a measure to achieve what they wanted...

That explains a lot of my past behaviours like seeking
sooooooooooooooo much attention from the people around me, especially
those who are closest to me. It also made me realize just how bad I
really was sometimes. Like... trying to really "insidiously
unconsciously" trying to persuade others that they are the one who is
at fault and how I am always innocent....

Now as I look back through all those past history when I had so many
arguments with those around me and how little I really paid attention
to my own psyche... O_O it is bizzare.

All those countless argument, all those endless discussion of problem
with logic... is sooooooo absurd.

I look back, that's the best indicator of good IQ + extremely low EQ.

Sigh... so many telltale signs. That has already been done can not be remedied.

A fair warning to all those who read this... maybe, it is not a bad
idea to start getting more and more about the personalities around you
and know more about your own psyche and of those surrounding you.

I will probably try to get therapy and exercise to heal my own damaged psyche...

The most important step is to realize it. The rest, is much easier
once you are willing to confront it with full force and change.